We all have a part to play in community.

Public Green Space:

The areas we gather, learn, laugh, and share.

We are committed to increasing the impact of San Diego’s green spaces, and their therapeutic effects on our residents. Adopting a regenerative approach to urban planning and development addresses many issues, from urban heat islands and clean air, to traffic and noise pollution.

Green infrastructure does more than reduce our carbon footprint. With this we minimize waste, and more importantly, reconnect with a localized food system.

Support our mission to ENHANCE the the beauty of our city, serving it’s people’s health and needs.

Volunteer for our next Community Work Day!

Our projects are filled with opportunities for everyone to get involved! Whether you’re a farmer, or someone who’s never touched a shovel before, we welcome you to be apart of making a difference in the growth of our city and health of our environment! Why not learn something new while you’re at it!